Trend Watch

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Thursday, November 22, 2007

Adsesnse Success System

Over the past year and a half, I have been fighting what I like to call the "Making Me Poor Adsense Battle". I call it this because no matter how much money and time I put into trying to earn money with Google Adsense, I could never make more than a few dollars a month!

I bought software after software. Ebook after ebook. Keyword list after keyword list, and even with 11 years experience with web design nothing seemed to be working for me.

With all the know how from all of these ebooks, the high dollar software that was supposed to make me $1000 a day, and those keyword lists that contained all of those big paying keywords, I was still only making a few dollars a month from all the websites that I had placed Google Adsense ads on.

"Now You CAN Raise Your Adsense Income By Hundred$ Or MORE Each Month, And Forget About Search Engine Optimization, Keyword Research, Finding Niches, Fiddling With Ultra-Complicated Systems & All The Excess 'Goo-Roo B.S.' You've Been Fed Before!"

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